13 Authentic Catalonian Recipes to Pair with Catalonia Plates

13 Authentic Catalonian Recipes to Pair with Catalonia Plates

Catalonia is known for its vibrant culture, stunning architecture, and most importantly, its delicious cuisine. The region offers a unique blend of flavors influenced by Mediterranean ingredients and traditional Spanish techniques. If you’re a foodie at heart, learning to cook Catalonian dishes is a must. And what better way to showcase these culinary delights than on authentic Catalonia plates?

Catalonia is a region that has numerous culinary masterpieces that reflect that of the culture's vibrant and adventurous traits. The region has a history of the combining of Mediterranean ingredients with Spanish techniques. These are the top food delicacies you should pair with Catalonia Plates. 

1. Allioli de codony

The Pyrenees mountains, a region that has a reputation for having high-quality meet and a special sauce: the allioli de codony. 

The different households of Catalonia make allioli differently. But the most common is made with the simple ingredients with garlic and oil. But in the mentioned Pyrenees, there's an allioli variety that is easier for someone who doesn't have an adventurous palette.

This is allioli de codony, made from the sweet aroma of quince mixed with extra virgin olive oil and garlic. This toast dip is so addicting that you'd be full before the main course!

2. Fricandó

This is a seasonal autumn dish, also known as beef and mushroom stew. Fricandó originated in the city, but the ones found in rural areas have the more traditional taste for sweet almond, with meat, mushroom and vegetables. 

Each household makes it differently but a technique that is for sure in every one of them is the resting of the dish overnight in the fridge. Doing so allows the flavors to be sucked in by the meat and make the mushrooms reabsorb the moisture they lost during the cooking process.


3. Mandonguilles amb sípia

Mandonguilles amb sípia - YouTube

In the eastern most part of Catalonia, the mountains edges meet the Mediterranean sea. In this region, Costa Brava can be found. Because of their location, one of the more significant tastes they have that comes from mixing "mountain and sea". 

The best example is mandonguilles amb sípiaA juicy dish that is a combination of high quality meatballs mixed with the soft meat of cuttlefish--already seeing what mountain and sea mixing is. They are cooked in tomato, fish broth, and wine sauce. It is great partnered with bread as a dipping sauce.

4. Gambes de Palamós

Gamba Roja de Palamós – Sagastume Pescadería Marisquería online

Costa Brava is known for its seafood the most, and while mountain ingredients can be part of the cuisine, it is certainly a relief for seafood lovers that good fish, shelfish, and other seafood is abundant in the country. The most valued are called Gamba de Palamós.

These are prawns that are famous for their distinct strong yet succulent flavor. Their appearance is appetizing with an intense red color and tasty meat, making renowned not only in the country but in other parts of the world as well.

5. Conill amb bolets

Recepta de Conill i Pollastre guisat amb Pèsols i Bolets - Receptes  casolanes El Forner d'Alella

At the city of Girona far inland, a delectable rabbit meat and mushroom stew is well known. The city has a strong tradition in culinary surrounding the conill amb bolets.

The mentioned stew is a combination of rabbit meat and mushrooms stewed together in a tasty broth, tomato, and onion sauce. It is regarded as one of the classics in traditional Catalan cuisine. Today, the dish is eaten in mountain villages and during the peak season of mushrooms.

Rabbits can be an alarming ingredient for some, but in Catalonia, they have become a part of their diet for quite a while. Especially during All Saint's Day when farmers from the rural areas of Girona's region do so.

6. Botifarra amb seques (o mongetes)

Botifarra amb seques

Here we have that is considered by most to be the national dish of Catalans--botifarra amb mongetes. It is a must try for anyone visiting the country. It is a pairing of white beans and sausage which originates way back in the 19th century especially in taverns all over Catalonia, especially in Barcelona.

Today, you can find the dish in almost every restaurant that serves Catalan Cuisine. 


7. Crema catalana

Crema Catalana (Catalan Cream)We talked about the national dish considered by Catalan, but now we have the dessert that's loved by the whole world. The classic Crema Catalana is a creamy custard that has been covered with a thin crust of burnt sugar. It is perfect for snacking and is a widely enjoyed dessert.

Similar to a crème brûlée but it uses milk, egg yolks and starch. Breaking through the burnt sugar crust with the back of a spoon is a feeling everyone should know. A spoonful of the crust and the lemon-cinnamon custard make it an excellent dessert.

8. Carquinyolis

Carquinyolis - Almond Biscotti

Another sweet treat is from the locals of Barcelona's surrounding. This is mixed almonds with eggs, sugar, and flour that is put in the oven until it is a dry and crispy biscuit called carquinyolisimilar to Italian cantuccini. It is found across the region and is super famous in the two villages, Cardadeu and Caldes de Montbui. 

The sweet almonds give this dessert its particular nutty flavour, and it’s hard to stop at one! Although the traditional recipe contain almonds, you can also find other versions made with different nuts, chocolate, or cranberries.

9. Arròs negre

Arròs negre – squid ink rice

Who would've thought pairing one of the best quality seafood in the world with a cup of rice would work marvelous. In the province of Tarragona (South Barcelona) they did just that--in the case of arròs negre, this rice dish is one of Catalonia's best coastal foods and is recognizable due to its black color.

Fun fact: after a rough days of work in the seas, fishermen eke out every last bit from their catch. Nothing is a waste, even the ink from cuttlefish or a squid. We bet you see where this is going, that ink is the key ingredient for the transformation of paella to Arròs negre.

It is similar to paella, however, the rice is cooked with squid or cuttlefish ink instead of the normal broth. These are served with mussels, cuttlefish, squid, prawns or any seafood for that matter.

10. Calçots

Calçots & romesco sauce | Borough Market

In a town inland, lies one of the food loved by us the most. Calçots come from Valls, and is a kind of spring onion that is a thicker and longer. It is the perfect winter veggie. 

It is best enjoyed with a sauce. Romesco is the usual partner, it is made with tomatoes, roasted red peppers, toasted almonds, vinegar and garlic. This really puts calçots to a new level

During the months of February and March, a favorite hobby of Catalonians is to enjoy calçotada, a winter BBQ centered around eating calçots. These are made by grilling them on a hot fire until slightly burned, after that they are wrapped in newspaper to keep them warm and its snacking time.

11. Espinacs a la Catalana

Espinacas a la catalanaThe mixing of sweet and savoury is a classic taste in Catalonia's food. The traditional dish espinacs a la catalana, does exactly that. It is made from sautéed spinach, toasted pine nuts, and plump raisins. The dish is eaten as a starter, however some are creative and use it as a filling for canelons or omelette.

12. Fuet

Fuet – Campo Grande

Cured meats have a long history involving the medieval city of Vic. This is where fuet comes from, it is a long and thin cured piece of sausage that is made with pork meat that's seasoned with salt and other spices. It has a very unique color of marble red that looks very appetizing.

It is eaten as a snack or even better, with pa amb tomàquet. Sandwiches of fuet are part of every Catalan child's childgood, it is always present in weekend appetizers, BBQ, or calçotades. Everyone should try this very addictive treat.

13. Coca de recapte

Coca de recapte

Looks like pizza? Yes. Is it pizza? Not really, its Coca de recapte. The concept is similar although quite different. It is made from a dough baked in the oven with veggies, meat and sometimes fish as toppings. But the fish is not the most peculiar one, a required ingredient is always escalivada (slices of roasted red pepper and eggplant with a smokey flavour) and sausage or herring.

This is commonly found in the western side of Catalonia and is a specialty in bakeries. It is salty and mouth-watering. 


Bon profit!

For those adventurous enough to try and taste other cuisines of the world, we hope to have satisfied your cravings for Catalan Food. They are rich in both culture and flavor. And, pairing authentic Catalonian cuisine with Catalonia Plates is a sure plan to enjoy the feast you would be having. 
